How long to receive my order?

All items are custom-made to order and so production generally takes about 2 weeks and shipping time about 1 week.

Which shipping carriers are used?

USPS and Fedex.

How much does shipping cost within the US?

Shipping is free!

Can you ship to a PO Box?

Sometimes. If your order ships USPS then a PO Box is fine. Otherwise we will need a physical street address.

What is your order cancellation policy?

Orders can be cancelled within 1 hour from the time that they are placed.

What is your return policy?

All of our items are custom-made to order and therefore not returnable. If an item is received damaged or the incorrect item was shipped, we will work with you quickly to find a solution either with a replacement or a refund.

How does sizing work for custom linens?

Simple! Just enter the correct size of the items that you have (ie. table, beds, etc.) and we will custom make it to fit perfectly.

Should I add a few inches to the dimensions of the custom items ordered?

No. Please enter the exact dimensions needed. For a tablecloth, enter the width and length of the table itself, and add the amount that you would like for the cloth to drop around the table. If you have chair arm rests, it would be best to measure from the top of the table until the arm rest so that the tablecloth has the correct length to fall withouth bunching. For bedding, always enter the dimensions of the bed itself. We will add the necessary amount needed for the sheets to fit beneath the mattress.

I am trying to color match. Are the image colors online accurate? 

While we do our best to get the closest possible color by photographing in daylight, there are many variables that can affect colors and shades online. If you need the color to be very accurate, we would suggest that you view items on several different computer screens to gauge color. 

Do you sell fabric samples prior to placing oders?

We hope to make that possible soon, but fabric samples are not available at the moment. 

What if I am interested in purchasing an item in a fabric that I don't yet see available online? 

We are working hard to get all of our items up as quickly as possible. Please always feel free to email us at